Sera Cremonini
Associate Professor, Department of Physics

My Work
I am a theoretical particle physicist, trained in the field of string theory. Throughout my career I have worked on a variety of aspects of quantum gravity, quantum field theory and early universe cosmology.
My current research focuses on the holographic gauge/gravity duality, which gives us a window into the microscopic structure of spacetime and new techniques to probe quantum phases of matter that are strongly interacting.
My work is funded by the National Science Foundation as well as Lehigh University.

Scientific Publications
Media and General Articles
You can find links to public lectures and popular articles related to my work here (under construction).

Teaching and Mentoring
​I teach courses across all levels, from freshman seminars to graduate classes:
Mathematical Methods (PHY 428): graduate level course on standard mathematical methods for physicists
Quantum Mechanics I (PHY 362): first semester of a year-long undergraduate level sequence on quantum mechanics
General Relativity (PHY 342): designed for upper level undergraduates and beginning graduate students, who learn to describe the curvature of spacetime and solve Einstein's equations
Introduction to String Theory (PHY 366): quantum mechanics-based course for upper level undergraduates and beginning graduate students
Freshman Seminar "From Black Holes to Strings: The Early Universe and the Nature of Space-Time" (PHY 90)
Independent studies on Quantum Field Theory and String Theory for seniors and beginning graduate students.
One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is mentoring and training students and junior scientists. It is fulfilling to be able to provide guidance and help them build the skills they need to reach their goals. At Lehigh I have mentored a number of graduate students, postdocs and undergraduates (including through Lehigh's NSF-funded REU program).
Get in Touch
417 Deming Lewis Lab
Department of PhysicsÂ
16 Memorial Drive East
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Office Phone: +1 (610) 758-3924